Fountains of Hipsters

Personally, I’m a fan of Fountains of Wayne’s brand of quirky power pop but since their mainstream success with “Stacy’s Mom” I thought they were an odd choice at Coachella.

However, the band seems to be trying to up their indie cred with hipster vintage T-shirts. Lead singer Chris Collingswood sported a green Miller High Life shirt and the bassist opted for a Huey Lewis one in black. Maybe they mugged some concertgoers before their Coachella mainstage set at 2:35 p.m. Saturday. There are a lot of shirtless people running around.

The band entered to a cheesy repeated recording of “Traffic and weather every 10 minutes on the 8s.” “Traffic and Weather also happens to be the name of the bands just-released disc.

Older Fountains of Wayne songs went over well with the crowd, the newer stuff not so much. Maybe it was the disco beat on new track “Someone to Love” or the country flavor of “Fire in the Canyon.”

However, the band played some crowd pleasers such as “Hey Julie,” “Radiation Vibe,” and “Mexican Wine.”

The band also thanked the crowd for braving the sun during the hottest part of the day. According to, it is currently 105 degrees, but don’t worry, it only feels like 99.

The band did not play their biggest hit, Stacy’s Mom.

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