Pornographers of Comedy?

We’re heading down the stretch of day two at Coachella and I think we have a winner for the “best stage banter” category.

Drumroll, please.

The New Pornographers!

This Canadian supergroup with artists from other indie bands played the Outdoor Theatre at 5 p.m. and a video image of the cover of the band’s forthcoming album, “Challengers,” graced the screen behind the drum set.

“That’s our new album cover behind us,” singer Carl Newman noted. “We’re not going to play anything from it.”

Nearby, in the Mojave Tent, Scandinavian group Peter, Bjorn and John played. Newman asked if they could hear the band from the Outdoor Theatre.

“No? I was hoping to catch part of their set and make you wait,” he joked.

The band couldn’t hear Peter, Bjorn and John, but Travis, which was playing on the Coachella Stage, could be heard loud and clear as the band played the hit “Why Does It Always Rain On Me.”

“Hey Travis, keep it down,” Newman called into the microphone before cajoling the crowd into singing the chorus of the Travis song.

However, the New Pornographers played a number of songs from their most recent album, “Twin Cinema,” layering pretty harmonies over their indie power pop, crafting a solid set that kept the sun-drenched crowd laughing.

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