Raging in the heat

By noon on Sunday Carmen Zacarias had already staked out her spot for Rage Against the Machine’s set, which is slated to start at 10:40 p.m.

Zacarias and friend Omar Castillo traveled from El Paso, Texas to get a spot at the front of the Coachella Stage for the Rage Against the Machine reunion.

“I’ve waited six-and-a-half years for this,” Zacarias said.

Zacarias said she didn’t mind waiting another 10-plus hours to keep her vantage point. She’s not worried about getting water, either.

“Our plan is to beg the security guards,” she said.

They weren’t the only ones who already started lining up for Rage. John Puga of Santa Paula, took a spot a couple of rows back and planned to enjoy the acts before the headliners. He said he paid $200 for his single-day ticket.

“I want to see Rage Against the Machine. I want to jump around and go crazy,” Puga said.

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