A taste of Coachella: The Bees

I return to the office on Tuesday, but here is a special update for you, a tasty Coachella treat.

My favorite thing about covering Coachella is getting a chance to listen to and learn about new bands I didn’t know about too much before or at all.

One of the gems I’ve found this time is the Bees (or, if you go and try to find them in a record store, they’re also known in the U.S. as A Band of Bees, or so the nice fellow at Amoeba in Hollywood told me).

If you like the soul of Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings and Motown, but also like slide guitars you will dig this band.

I only with I had found them earlier. So here they are, with a bonus video for you today since I’ve been out of town.

For the slide guitar fans, here’s the video for “Who Cares What the Question Is?”:

And for the soul-searchers in the crowd, try out “Listening Man”:

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