On Thursday, April 24, early bird campers will get to check out Experience Visual Symphony and Laserium.

From the press release:
Visual Symphony is a multi sensory experience told through images, lights, and lasers set to music in two seamless acts. The first act features visual veejay mixing and tells the story of a character Weeble in animation, projectors, video wall and lasers. The second act brings out the grandfathers of visuals, LASERIUM. The amazing visual laser show is brought to Coachella for one night for all to experience the original show they performed during the 60 and 70s as they worked alongside legends like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.
Enjoy the stories as its presented above you in the sky and on a 90ft long screen in front of you. The lasers are so powerful the beam can actually hit the moon! http://www.visualsymphony.us
Yes, but will the beam hit the dark side of the moon?