If you turn out to be as lucky as I was and park in Lot 5, count on passing by a mobile home park off Monroe (with two wary-looking security guards standing outside), turn left and walk down a looong backstage area (far from the real backstage antics), then traverse a vast parking lot (see below):

After traversing the parking lot, a temptation in the form of massages offered for $1 for every one minute may attempt to distract you from your course.

You’re almost there … well, not really. Continue along a corridor of chain-link fences. Take a break to smell the horses. Stables line the walkway.
Also, watch out for the fountain of muddy road water that may splash you as cars drive by.
Once you see the open clearing of grass, you’re there. Enjoy the show … and hopefully you remember how to get home at the end of the night.