Epiphanies about Coachella

On the second day of my second Coachella music festival, I thought I’d share some wisdom. Huddle around my campfire, kiddies, you won’t want to miss this:

1) You’re going to sweat — a lot. But don’t get self-conscious. Everybody sweats at Coachella, it’s just the extent that differs. Don’t pretend you’re going to go and be as comfortable as if you were watching a concert DVD at home with 60,000 of your closest friends.

2) Be careful about what shampoo/lotions/etc. you use. I have a feeling the fruity apple-strawberry-kiwi potions I use are attracting more than a fair number of flies.

3) Don’t forget what lot you parked in. It can be easy to forget to remember this when you’re excited about getting to the show. But if you forget, you’ll end up wandering down the super-dark Avenue 52 for 40 minutes at 11:30 p.m. on a Friday night, crying on the phone to your husband because you don’t remember you parked until eventually he asks if he should just come and pick you up — FROM RIVERSIDE — so you can drive around the different parking lots until you find your car … (erm) not that that ever happens (blush).

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