Sean Penn’s second address

“Revolution is a young man’s job, and it’s your turn to be revolutionaries.”

This is from Penn’s second Coachella address, this one from the main Coachella Stage.

OK, so, since part of what we do here is evaluate performances, I just have to say I was slightly underwhelmed by his speech.

I like what he’s trying to do — inspire young people to activism and grass-roots efforts to make a difference — but his lackadasical delivery wasn’t inspiring at all.

I didn’t expect him to come out with a full gospel choir backing him and for him to preach The Word, but it woulda helped had he done something that seemed a little less like even HE wasn’t impressed with what he was accomplishing.

On the other hand, for all you folks who sometimes say, “I want to help, I just don’t know how,” well, if you’ve got the time, there are organizers working on the how.

Here’s his group’s site.

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