It’s Valentine’s Eve Eve and if you’re still looking for a perfect gift, give up, because that last remaining red dog with a heart at Rite-Aid is not really on the wish list of anyone over the age of 7.
However, you are in luck. There are wonderful things called mixes and here’s one for you. Just create a handmade cover and perhaps liner notes about how much your significant other means and it’s a heartfelt, economical
Of course, your sweetie might also put it in a corner and never listen to it after the first one because it’s full of sappy emo and pop punk that you listened to waaaaay too much at one point.
Anyway, here are a few tunes to get you started. Feel free to add your own in the comments. Also, if you’re single, I can send you a Singles Rule! playlist as well.
Playlist: You Turn My Heart Up to 11.
1. “Devotion,” The Stereo
The Stereo is a little-known power pop band, but I love them. And this might be their finest song. It kicks off your mix in high gear and is anything but trite.
2. “You Might Think,” The Cars
3. “I’ve Been Waiting,” Matthew Sweet
I love this song.
4. “Do You Want to Know a Secret,” The Beatles
5. “Love Song,” The Cure
6. “Girlfriend,” Jonathan Richman
This track could also be on a pining mix, but I like it on here.
7. “Hover,” Rhett Miller
The old standby is the Old 97’s song “Question,” but if you want to put a twist on it, “Hover” is from front man Rhett Miller’s solo project and it’s a really sweet song with a good beat.
8. “Punk Rock Girl,” Dead Milkmen
This ditty brings the mix back up.
9. “We,” Descendents
Nothing like a punk band talking about how you can take on the world in love.
10. “For Me This Is Heaven,” Jimmy Eat World
Yes, some of my emo songs I still hold dear to my heart.
11. “Silly Love Songs,” Paul McCartney
Put this one at the end because it’s sappy and great, but if you start off with it, it will go into that dusty pile in the corner. Plus, it’s totally unexpected after the amazingness that is the Descendents.