I am working on the extensive research that goes into our Coachella micro-site for 2009. One of the things is bios for everyone performing. I do the same thing for Stagecoach.
It’s a crazy amount of work but really cool in the end. One of the components is a “Recommended listening” category. Now I’m at Sir Paul. For his Wings days, I’m recommending “Band on the Run”; for solo I recommend “McCartney,” although I feel strongly about “Ram” as well, and I’m also intrigued by the new release from The Fireman.
Now, here’s the debate that has sent my music friends and I into a tizzy–What Beatles album do you recommend for Paul’s contributions? Of course I could say “Go listen to every Beatles album,” but that feels a bit like cheating. I’m leaning towards side two of “Abbey Road” myself because it is like a mini album in and of itself. But then where do you put “Let It Be”? And what about “Sgt. Pepper”?
Please, chime in on this one.