Coachella 2009 thoughts: Paul McCartney’s best

The Associated Press
If Paul McCartney picked the Beatles album where he was most integral, what would it be? By the looks of this shirt, I’m going with “Sgt. Pepper’s.”

I am working on the extensive research that goes into our Coachella micro-site for 2009. One of the things is bios for everyone performing. I do the same thing for Stagecoach.

It’s a crazy amount of work but really cool in the end. One of the components is a “Recommended listening” category. Now I’m at Sir Paul. For his Wings days, I’m recommending “Band on the Run”; for solo I recommend “McCartney,” although I feel strongly about “Ram” as well, and I’m also intrigued by the new release from The Fireman.

Now, here’s the debate that has sent my music friends and I into a tizzy–What Beatles album do you recommend for Paul’s contributions? Of course I could say “Go listen to every Beatles album,” but that feels a bit like cheating. I’m leaning towards side two of “Abbey Road” myself because it is like a mini album in and of itself. But then where do you put “Let It Be”? And what about “Sgt. Pepper”?

Please, chime in on this one.

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