Uh oh. It looks like Amy Winehouse won’t be joining us in the desert for Coachella in a month or so.
However, the Coachella Web site still has Winehouse listed for Saturday, where she is billed pretty highly.
Winehouse’s Web site also said she is playing the show.
Now, Winehouse was great when she came here to play Coachella in 2007. She played in the middle tent and it was beyond packed and I couldn’t really see her but I do remember her talking about meeting Danny Devito.
But we all know about the tabloids and drugs and incarcerated sort-of husband scandals that have ensued since so I don’t know if anyone is really surprised about Winehouse bowing out of Coachella, especially after the whole Grammy thing where she performed via satellite after the U.S. denied her a visa.
I’m thinking Coachella might have to bring in another headliner because that leaves The Killers and Thievery Corporation in the top slots alone for Saturday.
Your thoughts?