AUDIO FILES: Listen to The BellRays, The Ramones

The BellRays

The BellRays

Welcome to the second installment of the Audio Files. Last night I put up some tracks from The Stereo and Hall and Oates. This new feature I’m trying out is to just get music I love out there.

You know how you come across those songs that when you hear them for the first time, they feel like they’ve been in your memory forever? That’s how I felt when I first heard The BellRays play “Power to Burn” at Back to the Grind a few years ago. This one has another infectious guitar riff by the venerable Bob Vennum and an incredible vocal by the amazing Lisa Kekaula.

There’s a reason they have been the backbone of Riverside’s music scene for decades. If you haven’t heard The BellRays, go pick up their catalog.

Now I’m amped up and nothing is more fun when you’re amped up than listening to The Ramones’ “Blitzkrieg Bop.”