Mike Patton from Faith No More sings while holding a cane on the Coachella stage during the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival in 2010. (2010/File Photo)
It’s Sunday morning. One of my favorite things in the world to do on Sunday mornings is to read the paper and listen to music, that is, if it’s not football season.
But if you’re not watching the games today (and trust me, I might have to turn it off depending on how bad my Ravens look against the Texans), here are two wildly different Sunday morning songs for you.
The Commodores have one of the best Sunday morning songs with “Easy.” I really kind of like the intro to this Motown Records 1977 time capsule of the song, too. It’s very Monty Python.
Now, one of the best covers in the history of cover songs is the Faith No More version of “Easy.” The band reunited a couple of years back and played an amazing set at Coachella 2010. (Speaking of Coachella, have an idea who the reunion act will be in 2013? Get in on the discussion.) They opened with a smooth version of Peaches & Herb’s “Reunited” that I’m sure just went over the heads of some of the folks out there.
When I was an intern at Australian Rolling Stone many moons ago, I had the chance to tag along during a photo shoot for Tomahawk, one of singer Mike Patton’s many other musical endeavors. I remember it being an issue that we had to find police uniforms for the band to be photographed in and that Patton wanted a kitchen knife from the club where the photo shoot was happening to reflect the menacing look he was giving.
That was definitely one of my stranger days on the job.
Back to Faith No More, everyone knows “Epic,” but one of my favorites is “Falling to Pieces.” Here’s the video, in all of its Dali-esque glory.