Kaiser Chiefs performs at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Club in Indio on April 21, 2012. (2012/File Photo)
At the end of the year, reporters get hit with all kinds of year-end pitches about what people searched for and the most-watched pop videos.
Normally, those lists are interesting but don’t apply to anything here in the I.E. However, Twitter changed that with their update.
The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival has seemingly topped all other music fests in Twitter, with 2.7 million mentions during the year, according to Twitter. Those included @coachella, #coachella2012 and even #coachella2013. The next closest one was SXSW in Austin, Texas in march with 2.5 million mentions.
Twitter even gave me a little more detail about the Coachella tweeting frenzy–the peaks were Jan. 10 and April 16.
–Jan. 10 was the day after the lineup came out. It was also the day tickets went on sale and promptly sold out less than three hours later.
–April 16 was the final night of weekend one, when everyone saw Tupac Shakur rise from the dead as a hologram during Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg’s epic finale to the festival. The folks at Twitter said that a number of celebrities and users began to Tweet about the hologram and Tupac.

A Tupac Shakur hologram that appeared at Coachella 2012. (AP Photo)
I also have a hunch that Coachella was Tweeted about because it’s really the start of festival season in the U.S. and I think a lot of people watched the live broadcast on YouTube, which I remember having the hashtag of #Couchella.
Coachella also claimed number eight on Twitter’s most tweeted about music subjects, just behind Chris Brown and above Big Sean. Maybe next year the festival can outdo the number one–Rick Ross.
Here’s Twitter’s list of the top 9 most tweeted about music festivals of 2012:
Coachella – @coachella #Coachella2012 (#Coachella2013) = 2.7 million mentions
South by Southwest – @sxsw #SXSW 2.5 million mentions
Lollapalooza – @lollapalooza #Lolla 1 million mentions
Austin City Limits – @aclfestival #aclfest = 125k
CMJ Music Marathon – @CMJ #CMJ 120k
Outside Lands – @sfoutsidelands #outsidelands = 38K
Electric Zoo – @ElectricZooNY #EZoo 109k
Sasquatch Festival – @Sasquatch #Sasquatch 33K
Bonnaroo – @Bonnaroo #Roo2012 (#Roo2013) = 32K tweets
Why do you think Coachella was the most popular music fest on Twitter in 2012? Was it the 2Pac hologram? Was it the addition of a second weekend? Was it Radiohead? Swedish House Mafia? Let me know in the comments below the entry.
Speaking of Twitter, you can follow me on there at @vanessafranko
And since we’re talking about Coachella, the frenzy is already going for the Coachella 2013 lineup. If you want to know more about predictions and whatnot, check out the Coachellaology tag in the blog and for more Coachella updates, visit Coachella 2013.