Late Night Revival (Contributed Image)
Are you ready for another artist on my 2012 Local Favorites list? I’ve been revealing my favorite albums and EPs from Inland Empire-based artists all week long. You can see the rest at the Local Favorites link or pick up a copy of The Press-Enterprise on Friday, Dec. 28.

Forever Young
Late Night Revival
“Forever Young”
Riverside’s Late Night Revival has undergone lineup changes and fits and starts but finally released its long-awaited debut album “Forever Young” earlier this month.
The band is radio-friendly modern rock, with a big sound on the title track, but the ballad “Angel & Me” could easily be featured in a CW show.
The catchy “Home” is also a download-worthy track.
With the accessible songs, look for Late Night Revival to make a splash in 2013.
Here’s “Angel & Me”: