LOCAL FAVORITES 2012: Late Night Revival

Late Night Revival (Contributed Image)

Are you ready for another artist on my 2012 Local Favorites list? I’ve been revealing my favorite albums and EPs from Inland Empire-based artists all week long. You can see the rest at the Local Favorites link or pick up a copy of The Press-Enterprise on Friday, Dec. 28.

Forever Young

Late Night Revival
“Forever Young”

Riverside’s Late Night Revival has undergone lineup changes and fits and starts but finally released its long-awaited debut album “Forever Young” earlier this month.

The band is radio-friendly modern rock, with a big sound on the title track, but the ballad “Angel & Me” could easily be featured in a CW show.

The catchy “Home” is also a download-worthy track.

With the accessible songs, look for Late Night Revival to make a splash in 2013.

Here’s “Angel & Me”: