Mourners sign a guest book at a vigil for Edward “Larry” Robinson on Sunday, March 24, 2013, at Pete’s Music and Guitar Shop in Temecula.(Javier Cabrera/Staff Photo)
Folk musician Larry Robinson died Saturday after he was bound and beaten in a robbery of Pete’s Music in Old Town Temecula on Friday, March 22.
A vigil was held for Robinson Sunday night in front of the store, which attracted hundreds of mourners. His senseless death has sent shock waves through the music community. Roots music site No Depression has a nice article posted about Robinson.
As I wrote earlier today, I came to know of Larry’s music after I met his son Evan, who is also a musician.
Tonight, at the vigil, Evan said, “The beautiful thing about music is that when you listen to his records, his spirit is still very much alive.”
In that spirit, I wanted to pull together some videos of Robinson performing that I found on YouTube.
I really love this one, which is of Larry (and Evan) performing “Old California Town.”
Here’s Robinson performing his song “Steinbeck’s Ghost.”
“Cadillac & Trailer” is another one of Robinson’s gems.
If you want to see more videos of Robinson performing live, MusicLover1948 has a number of them posted on YouTube.
And here’s one more of Larry and Evan performing together. This one is Evan’s War Stories song “What Does God See.” There is a site set up to donate to the Robinson family at GiveForward.