Deap Vally is going to rock your face off at Coachella 2013. (Contributed Image)
I just got off the phone with Lindsey Troy, singer/guitarist from the amazing and incredible rock outfit Deap Vally.
The Los Angeles-based duo has a lot of big things happening in the next few weeks–Deap Vally is releasing the EP “Get Deap!” (I love the exclamation point) on April 9, they are opening for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs on some dates, and, oh yeah, they’re playing the 2013 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival.
RELATED: Get to know the 2013 Coachella Festival artists with our interactive map.
As a fan, Troy is a Coachella Festival veteran. She’s been a few times (starting in 2004 when she saw Radiohead and The Pixies) and offered up some solid tips if you’re attending the fest.
Lindsey Troy’s Coachella tips:
Pick a meeting spot with your friends ahead of time.
Troy points out that cell phone service isn’t always consistent so agreeing upon a spot with your party ahead of time is a good idea.
Be open to adventures
Be prepared to be really filthy
It’s a field. There’s dirt.
Bring as little as possible
Troy said if you “want to go crazy” in the crowd and get up close, you don’t want to have a lot weighing you down, even a purse.
Wear a short dress.
Troy passed on a tip from Deap Valley drummer Julie Edwards on wearing a short dress to Coachella so your pants don’t have to touch the floor of the portable toilets.
Bring baby wipes.
If the portable toilet runs out of toilet paper, you’ll be glad to have them.
RELATED: Visit the iGuide’s home for all things Coachella
As we get closer to the festival, I’ll have a story on Deap Vally and their awesomeness, but in the meantime, you can check them out at their website at www.DeapVally.com.
Also, check out the incredible song “Lies.”
For more Coachella news, photos, interviews and information, visit the iGuide Coachella page. If you want to follow me on social media, I’m at @vanessafranko on Twitter, the Audio File on Facebook and on Google+.
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