Vintage Trouble is playing Coachella 2013. (Contributed Image)
The Coachella 2013 weekend one set times have been posted and while I normally try to remain calm and collected while everyone else complains, I came across a few conflicts myself.
RELATED: Get the latest in Coachella news and information at the iGuide
I’m really fortunate in that I will be covering the fest both weekends, so I will hopefully be able to sort most of these out. What are your biggest conflicts? How are you planning to resolve yours?
Friday conflicts
Band of Horses vs. Blur vs. Jurassic 5
I’m kind of surprised Blur is going on before The Stone Roses. I was hoping to just close my night with “Parklife” and call it a day. Looks like I’ll be doing the Outdoor Coachella shuffle, but ultimately, I know Blur will just win because it’s a rare sight to see them. Band of Horses isn’t gong anywhere and I can always hope Jurassic 5 will do Rock the Bells’ 10th anniversary this year.
Johnny Marr vs. James McCartney vs. Divine Fits
The 4 o’clock hour across three stages is going to be rough.
James McCartney has the shortest set and starts first, but he is in the Gobi Tent. And Johnny Marr is the legend and starts second in the Mojave. And I missed when Divine Fits played Pappy & Harriet’s, so I really want to see them, but then I am going from Mojave to Outdoor and I think both will be busy.
All I know is that I want to be back at Gobi for Japandroids at 5.
Saturday conflicts
The Postal Service vs. Descendents
Saturday night is the hardest one for me. The Postal Service is reuniting and Jenny Lewis is going to sing with them. I’ve loved the Descendents longer and I’ve never had a chance to see them (Every show they’ve played out here has been out for me. One time it was my best friend’s wedding and I was out of town and another time I had birthday tickets to see the Ravens play in San Diego.) My heart says punk but my head says catch The Postal Service reunion and hit up the Descendents for weekend two. My brain says “How long until I can master cloning?”
Vintage Trouble Vs. Reignwolf
Two of the emerging artists I’ve been ridiculously excited about are playing at the same time in the afternoon. This one is going to be a coin flip for me.
Dropkick Murphys Vs. Allen Stone Vs. 2 Chainz
I’ve seen the Dropkick Murphys plenty of times, but never on a stage this big. I want to see how the crowd reacts to them. But then I think about how Allen Stone is one of the most interesting voices at Coachella. And 2 Chainz is on, like, everyone’s record. Someone is bound to show up for his set, right?
Phoenix Vs. Sigur Ros Vs. New Order
I know I’m going to end up at Phoenix because I’m still hoping Daft Punk shows up. But I am intrigued by Sigur Ros, who I have never seen. And I need to see New Order. To quote Audio File reader Nate Hutchinson, “Sigur Ros vs New Order is gonna cause an internet riot.”
Maybe I’ll just go to Knife Party instead?
Sunday conflicts
Mantastique vs. Jimbo Jenkins
Either one I pick is a winner. Art and Marc from Mantastique are wonderful. So is Jimbo Jenkins. And either way I support the I.E. music scene. It’s a question of which do I choose first–Riverside or Pomona?
Deap Vally vs. Wild Belle
Intrigued by both of these acts. I think Deap Vally gets the edge weekend one because Lindsey Troy was so great at giving Coachella tips.
Ghost B.C. or Hanni El Khatib
Metal or blues? I think the heat might be a factor in my decision.
Social Distortion vs. Rodriguez vs. Paul Oakenfold
I feel like Rodriguez is going to win because I’ve never seen him, but I have seen both Social D and Oakenfold in action. However, I think the Gobi Tent will be overflowing for Rodriguez so I need a backup plan.
Post your conflicts below. I’m happy to offer any tidbits if I’ve seen the bands, too.
As we get ready to cover the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival this year, we’ll be using the #PECoachella hashtag on Twitter and Instagram. If you want to send us photos, musings and more, we’ll give you some love here in the Audio File blog. Just use the hashtag!
For more Coachella news, photos, interviews and information, visit the iGuide Coachella page. If you want to follow me on social media, I’m at @vanessafranko on Twitter, the Audio File on Facebook and on Google+.