Fans cheer for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs at Coachella 2009. (2009/File Photo)
Here’s a tip from Audio File reader Ali Shomal, who, ages ago, pointed out that the polo ball on the polo field was a polo ball and not a hint at the Rolling Stones playing the Coachella Festival.
He helped create the app Falcon, a free way to find your car, campsite, etc. at large scale festivals like Coachella. (And with all of the towers that wireless companies are trucking in, that can only help, right?)
Here’s what Ali wrote:
“This will be my fourth year in a row at Coachella. Last year, me and two of my best friends/ fellow Coachellaers decided to help solve a problem everyone has at the show: Not being able to find their campsite, car, or friends.
So we built a navigation app specifically for festivals! It’s called Falcon, and it works by using a compass-based navigation tool that points you towards your destination and gives you a distance. This means it doesn’t rely on roads or cell service. You can also save any location you’re at (like your car or camp site), or share your location with your friends so they can find you. We even autofill the location with your name, time, and date so even if it’s recceived late, the recipient knows about that!”
Here’s the iTunes link for it https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/falcon/id506151543?mt=8 and you can find Falcon on Facebook
As I clean out my iPhone tonight in order to load it up for Instagram madness (we’re using the #PECoachella hashtag, by the way), I’m going to check it out. I’ve been lucky and never lost my car at Coachella, but there was one very long night at Stagecoach and the time I had to talk an editor back in the dark when she went in the complete opposite direction of her car and ended up in a nearby neighborhood.
My tip: Don’t try to count palm trees when trying to find your car.
Besides the Coachella app, what do you use out in the Empire Polo Field?
As we get ready to cover the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival this year, we’ll be using the #PECoachella hashtag on Twitter and Instagram. If you want to send us photos, musings and more, we’ll give you some love here in the Audio File blog. Just use the hashtag!
For more Coachella news, photos, interviews and information, visit the iGuide Coachella page. If you want to follow me on social media, I’m at @vanessafranko on Twitter, the Audio File on Facebook and on Google+.