COACHELLA 2013: Making it through the security check


The first adventure of Coachella is over: I’m in!

The security lines are great for people-watching (which is one of the best parts of Coaachella). I had to go through two for GA entrance, and it took me about an hour.

The main topic of conversation: the heat. (And drugs. And getting frisked. And what everyone was wearing. And how camping last night had been. But mostly how hot it was.) The staff at the gates, who are more likely than the fans to be local, were all about how this weekend isn’t going to be bad, with highs around 90. But no one in line around me seemed to be happy that it was already 85 at 11:30 a.m. One girl pulled out her lip balm and it was already melted.

But whatever. Yeah, it’s hot, and it’ll be hot until the sun goes down.

As for those security lines: they’re separated by gender, so if you’re a girl and everyone in front of you is a dude, or vice versa, you’re in the wrong line. The guys are going to have a much shorter wait, probably because they don’t have purses that have to get inspected. You will get frisked, though how thoroughly depends on who you get. It will be hot. It will take awhile. But enjoy the people watching! You’re at Coachella!