COACHELLA 2013: Gaslight Anthem glows brighter

The Gaslight Anthem played one of my most memorable Coachella Festival sets back in 2009, in the blazing hot sun on the Outdoor Theatre early in the day.

Two albums later the band played the Coachella Stage a little bit later in the afternoon on Sunday for Coachella 2013 with a larger crowd. Singer Brian Fallon

I love the raspy vocals of singer Brian Fallon. I love that they sit on the spectrum somewhere between two other New Jersey artists I love–Bouncing Souls and Bruce Springsteen. I love that drummer Benny Horowitz has an image of James Gammon as Cleveand Indians manager Lou Brown in “Major League” on his bass drum.

But most of all, I love the band’s music. They played selections from “The ’59 Sound,” “American Slang” and their latest, “Handwritten.”

My highlights included “Old White Lincoln,” “Mulholland Drive” and set closer “Great Expectations.”

Also, shout out to the folks from New Jeraey who were singing along every word and brought the state flag with them.

And an even bigger shout out to the group of dancing people who created choreography and knew every word.