COACHELLA 2013: Rodriguez gets respect from crowd

There have been a lot of packed tents at Coachella this year, but Rodriguez has a heartfelt reception, despite some sound problems that plagued the beginning of the set.

It’s not the wild cheers of Franz Ferdinand fans at the Mojave or the insanity that was Major Lazer, but clear admiration and respect for the player.

Rodriguez, 70, is the subject of “Searching for Sugarman,” a documentary that won the Oscar.

He was assisted to the stage by two people and then put on a wide brimmed black hat.

With his long black hair flowing in the wind, he looked like the mystical man , and although in declining health, he can still play beautifully.

He played “I Wonder” early in the set, too. I was surprised by how many attendees in the tent knew the words.