COACHELLA 2013: Vampire Weekend gets crowd dancing

Is that the sound of surf guitar and witty lyrics? Then it must be Vampire Weekend.

The quartet played at the man stage Sunday, April 21, to a huge crowd of dancing festival goers.

The show started with a brief orchestrated overture, and quickly went into “Cousins.”

They didn’t mess around with a lot of talk, expect to pitch their upcoming album, “Modern Vampires of the City” out in three weeks.

The set featured a lot of old tracks off of their first album, and four, “Diana Young,” “Unbelievers,” “Step” and one whose name I did not catch.

Here is the complete set list:
White Sky
Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa
Diana Young
Apunk, (which got crowd dancing like crazy)
Oxford Comma
New song I missed the name of
Giving Up the Gun
Walcott (At which the band stated, “(We’re) going to leave you with our song about leaving, Cape Cod, tonight.”

RELATED: Photos from Vampire Weekend’s set last weekend