STAGECOACH 2013: The people you see at Stagecoach

The people you see at the Stagecoach Country Music Festival are here for the music and the party.

Here are some of the people you might encounter:

-Women in skimpy American flag bikinis and men in American flag swim trunks.

-Performers braving the heat in full on suits, like Nick 13, who wore a sea foam green Nudie suit with black sparkles. These performers tend to be in the tents rather on the Mane Stage.

-Families with young children who squirt passerby with misters.

People line dance at Stagecoach 2013. (Charlotte Bray/Freelance Photographer)

-People line dancing. Everywhere.

-People double-fisting beer and sometimes margaritas.

-The drunk “Whoooo” girls.

-Men wearing cowboy hats fashioned out of beer boxes. This year I have seen a lot of Pabst Blue Ribbon ones. However, these aren’t nearly as popular as they used to be at Stagecoach.

-The people hanging all over the antique tractor display between the Palomino and Mustang stages who don’t pay any attention to the signs that say “Don’t Touch the Tractors.”