Quitapenas is playing Hangar 24 in Redlands on May 4 and The Barn at UC Riverside May 8. (Contributed Image)
Hangar 24 in Redlands has released its music lineup for the month.
The next show is the Inland Empire’s tropical combo Quitapenas on Saturday, May 4. (They’re also playing The Barn at UC Riverside on Wednesday, May 8.)
Also, Wednesday, May 8, will feature music from two notable Inland bands.
Inner Prisms kicks off the music from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and then Redlands folk rock trio The Calicos take over from 8 to 9:30 p.m.
6 p.m. Saturday, Hangar 24 Brewery, 1710 Sessums Drive, Redlands, free.
Visit www.quitapenasmusic.com, www.innerprisms.com and www.facebook.com/thecalicosband for more information.