The Active Set will open for Neon Trees on June 8 at Vista Murrieta High School.
Keep an eye out for The Active Set in the area this weekend.
The Los Angeles area band is opening for Neon Trees huge homecoming show at Vista Murrieta High School on Saturday, June 8. The event is a fundraiser for extracurricular programs at the school. Also on the bill is Inland new wave band The New Division, whose guitarist Brock Woolsey is an alumnus of the school.
Bassist and singer Matthew Stolarz said the band toured with Neon Trees last year and reached out when he saw the show.
Stolarz said the band has been working on its new record and after talking to lots of artists, the band has just been writing a lot of songs to whittle down to fill the forthcoming release.
“I did a lot of work where I just sat and pieced things together,” he said.
One of the biggest changes in the band’s sound is the rhythm, after the departure of a drummer who was “schooled in the jam band” tradition, Stolarz said.
Rhythmically the new music is more simple, which has led Stolarz and his bandmates to augment their respective parts.
He said the plan is to play half new material and half older material for the show.
6 p.m. Saturday, Vista Murrieta High School, 28251 Clinton Keith Road, Murrieta, $29, all ages.
Get tickets and more information at www.showclix.com.
Check out The Active Set at www.theactiveset.com.