The Coltranes will open for the Angry Samoans at The Vault in Temecula. (Contributed Image)
The Legends of Punk and Ska Series continues at The Vault in Temecula on Friday, July 19 with The Angry Samoans.
The band will be joined by The Coltranes, Ready Steady Go!, DVT and The Walking Toxins.
The Vault is also kicking off its new open mic night (which will run the last Thursday of every month) on July 25.
You can get in for free with a donation of canned food, a clean pair of shoes or item of clothing. Otherwise, it’s a $2 donation to attend.
Email thevaultbooking@live.com for more information.
Angry Samoans, 6:30 p.m. Friday, July 19, The Vault, 41607 Enterprise Cir. N. Temecula, $12, all ages.
Open Mic Night, 8 p.m. Thursday, $2 or free with donation.
Visit www.thevaultconcerts.com for more information.