Camper Van Beethoven and Cracker will return to Pappy & Harriet’s for their 9th annual campout. (Jason Thrasher/Contributed Image)
One of the annual events that has become the stuff of legend at Pappy & Harriet’s Pioneertown Palace every September is the Cracker/Camper Van Beethoven Campout.
The weekend of shows, which will celebrate its ninth year Sept. 12 through 14, started out as a birthday celebration for birthdays of former Redlands residents Johnny Hickman, guitarist for Cracker, and David Lowery, frontman for Cracker and Camper Van Beethoven.
Every year there are side projects and surprises from the members of the band, as well as some of their longtime friends they grew up and played with in the Inland Empire, including one of my favorites, The Dangers, and the project of another Redlands native, Davey Faragher.
Here’s the tentative lineup:
Thursday, Sept. 12
Hickman-Dalton Gang
Roger Clyne and the Peace Makers
Cracker Duo
Friday, Sept. 13
Camper Van Beethoven
Gram Rabbit
The Dangers
Victor Krummenacher Band
Saturday, Sept. 14
Jack[expletive] (Davey Faragher’s country ensemble that I can’t post the name of because I value having a job.)
Leland Sundries
Jonathan Segel
A three-day pass is $68 and is available via the Pitch-A-Tent online store as well as on site at Pappy & Harriet’s. The show is all ages and kids 12 and younger get in for free.
CVB is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Member Victor Krummenacher is a Riverside native, too. The band released its first album in nearly a decade, “La Costa Perdida,” in January.
Fun fact: Lowery is a lecturer at the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business.
Another fun fact: Both bands are part of a forthcoming documentary, “Get Off This – The story behind Cracker & Camper Van Beethoven”
Check out a trailer for the documentary, with some sightings of Redlands AND Pioneertown!