New PE Live videos are released with artists every Thursday at PE.com. (Staff Illustration)
Local music is really important. Right now, the Inland Empire has an incredibly deep talent pool of musicians.
One of my favorite parts of this job is being able to showcase some of them. I’m barely scratching the surface, but since re-launching PE Live this spring, we’ve featured more than 20 Inland artists, with exclusive interviews and performances.
Now, you don’t have to go hunting for the videos. Sign up for the PE Live newsletter and you can get the latest videos delivered straight to your inbox.
I promise not to spam you, either. It’s just a weekly email with the latest in PE Live.
Visit http://subscribe.pe.com/pelive to sign up. All it takes is an email address.
I really believe in this project and I want to get our local artists out to as many people as possible. Please sign up and tell a friend or two.
Watch the videos below to get a taste of PE Live.