As You Were (2012/Staff Photo)
The Anderson family, who have been a huge part of supporting the Inland Empire music scene, particularly through Rockwell Unscene photography, will be the beneficiaries of a special concert at Mill Creek Cattle Co. in Mentone on Saturday, Sept. 14.
The Andersons’ Idyllwild home was destroyed in a wildfire in August and the Rock to Rebuild concert will raise funds for them.
Artists including T4P, Rain Brings Weather, As You Were and Heroes and Thieves are among the performers donating their time for the show.
5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, Mill Creek Cattle Co., 1874 Mentone Blvd., Mentone, $5 minimum donation.
Visit www.gofundme.com/Anderson-family for more information and to donate.