It’s the end of the year! Don’t forget to submit your work. (Vanessa Franko/Staff Photo)
It’s November, the time of year when the music journalists around the world start digging out from under the columns of towering CDs on their desks in an effort to work on the daunting best-of lists.
I’ve been trying to keep up with everything as the year has gone on, but I can tell you that without a doubt this has been the biggest year for Inland Empire music since I took over this beat from my predecessor. It’s also been the best.
I don’t want to miss someone, so if you released music in 2013 and you’re from the Inland Empire, please fill out the form below. I’m limiting it to EPs and albums. And if you are planning to release something in the next month or so, please let me know.
Fill out the Inland Music 2013 form.
As always, you can contact me at vfranko@pe.com or at Facebook.
Thank you for taking the time to let me know about your work and for supporting the local music scene, whether you’re a musician or a music lover.