Flogging Molly performs at the 2011 Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival. (2011/File Photo)
With Coachella prediction season warming up, I got an interesting email from reader Jay Neal about Flogging Molly.
He saw the band’s tour dates posted and noted there were no SoCal shows on the calendar (the band hits Oakland on March 14, Las Vegas on March 15 and Tempe on March 17) for the 10th annual Green 17 tour. Side note–Flogging Molly started the Countdown to St. Patrick’s Day themed tour after fans clamored for them to perform in their town on St. Patrick’s Day.
So Jay made a comment “No SoCal shows could it be another appearance at Coachella!” and mysteriously his comment vanished.
Given the timing and no SoCal dates, I could definitely see Flogging Molly headed back to Indio. The band last performed at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in 2011 and before that in 2008, so if it’s every three years that they appear in Indio, 2014 makes sense.
However, I haven’t heard anything about new music from them, so that weakens the case slightly for me.
Flogging Molly fans out there, what do you think? Do they usually hit SoCal on the Green 17 tour? Does the absence of SoCal shows mean Coachella for you?

Will Lorde perform at Coachella 2014? (Garth Badger/Contributed Image)
Moving on, Coachella always seems to get that one artist with the big crossover radio hit. In 2012 it was Gotye with “Somebody That I Used to Know;” in 2013 it was Alex Clare with “Too Close.” My prediction for 2014 is Lorde, the New Zealand teen who has been everywhere with the song “Royals.”
(This gets a tip of the hat to Twitter followers @Bham32 and @JBowen72 who have both mentioned this one.)
The teen phenom hasn’t announced any U.S. tour dates for 2014, but she is doing a run of West Coast radio holiday shows, including KROQ’s Acoustic Christmas, in December.
I like her chances for the fest unless she gets picked up by a big arena tour. Do you think she will be the Gotye of Coachella 2014?
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I’ve covered the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival and the Stagecoach Country Music Festival since 2007. All of the Coachella prediction posts here are tagged with Coachellaology.
For more Coachella news, photos, interviews and information, visit the iGuide Coachella page. If you want to follow me on social media, I’m at @vanessafranko on Twitter, the Audio File on Facebook and on Google+.
Nov. 5, 2013: Mogwai, The Dismemberment Plan
Oct. 25, 2013: Arcade Fire, The Naked and Famous
Oct. 7, 2013: The Pixies
Oct. 2, 2013: Paul McCartney, Luscious Jackson
Aug. 2, 2013: Neutral Milk Hotel
June 16, 2013: The Replacements