RIVERSIDE: Childish Gambino, Madeon, Portugal. The Man top Heat Fest

John Baldwin Gourley of Portugal. The Man performs at San Manuel Indian Bingo and Casino on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2013.  (Terry Pierson/Staff Photographer)

John Baldwin Gourley of Portugal. The Man performs at San Manuel Indian Bingo and Casino on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2013. (David Bauman/Staff Photographer)

UC Riverside’s Heat Festival will return on Saturday, March 1 with a lineup topped by Childish Gambino.

In addition to the rapper, who you might recognize as actor Donald Glover from TV show “Community,” the lineup boasts a number of notable acts.

French house music producer Madeon, indie rockers The Neighbourhood and Portugal. The Man, singer Ciara, and Canadian electronic duo Dzeko and Torres will perform as well.

Childish Gambino, Madeon, The Neighbourhood and Portugal. The Man are all Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival veterans.

Tickets will be $28.50 each and go on sale Monday, Feb. 3 at noon at http://heat.ucr.edu.

However, you must be a UCR student, member of the staff, faculty or the UCR Alumni Association to purchase a ticket.

Passes are limited to two purchases per person.

The eighth annual festival has become a big event for the Riverside campus, often selling out before the concert.

Visit http://heat.ucr.edu for more information.