Kenny Rogers is scheduled to perform at Spotlight 29 Casino Saturday, March 15 and Pechanga on Sunday, March 16. (contributed Image)
Kenny Rogers isn’t just one of the biggest country artists of all-time, he’s also an accomplished photographer.
In January, the Professional Photographers of America presented Rogers with an honorary master’s at the association’s annual convention in Phoenix, where he spoke before the 10,000 attendees.
“I told them I have a new category for all of the psychologists: ‘I’m an impulsive obsessive,’” he said. “I impulsively get involved with something and then I’m obsessed with it.”
Similarly, he became interested in tennis 40 years ago and took a tennis pro with him on the road and they would play tennis pros in every city he toured in and would play eight hours each day, ultimately ending up with a ranking in the national charts as a doubles player.
“That’s kind of my personality. Once I find out I can do something, I start thinking how well I could do it if I really tried,” Rogers said.
RELATED: Kenny Rogers to perform at Spotlight 29, Pechanga
He took a couple of pictures and people commented that he was a great photographer. He told them he wasn’t a great photographer but went to great places.
“You can stand and shoot pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge with your camera, but the difference between a snapshot and a photograph is where you take it from,” he said.
“If you want to shoot the Golden Gate Bridge, you can take your telephone and shoot a picture of it, but if you want to take a photograph you have to get down lower and find some angles that make the shot more interesting and that’s what you learn as you do it.”
Rogers shoots with a digital Nikon 3X.
“I think digital has taken photography to a whole new dimension, and it’s just so much more exciting,” he said.
Rogers has published three books of his photography, including a book of portraits of stars such as Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson, and has an idea for his next one.
“I’m going to calling it ‘Chasing the Light.’ Great photographers, there’s a 5 or 10 minute window at night where the light is really wonderful and if you miss it, you miss it, so you have to be there and prepare for it and wait for it,” he said.
SPOTLIGHT 29: 8 p.m. Saturday, March 15, 46-200 Harrison Place, Coachella, 800-585-3737, $55-$75, must be 21 or older. Visit www.startickets.com or www.spotlight29.com for more information.
PECHANGA: 7 p.m. Sunday, March 16, 45000 Pechanga Parkway, Temecula, 877-711-2946, $60-$90. Tickets are sold out, but a few may become available before showtime. Visit www.pechanga.com for more information.