Letters to Ash will hold its CD release show in Riverside on Saturday, March 5. (Contributed Image)
San Bernardino pop-punk band Letters to Ash is celebrating the release of its debut album, “ No One Said It Would Be Easy,” on Saturday, April 5, at the Mission Tobacco Lounge in Riverside.
You can hear two of the new tracks ahead of the release at http://letterstoash.bandcamp.com/, including “Truth or Dare,” which features Adrian Estrella of Assuming We Survive.
The whole show has an arsenal of like-sounding bands worth catching, including Hoist the Colors, New Way On, Treetop Flyer, Gentlemen Amongst Wolves and The Trash Bag Villains.
8 p.m. Saturday, April 5, Mission Tobacco Lounge, 3630 University Ave., Riverside, $10, 21 and older only.
Visit www.letterstoash.com for more information.