Black Bear and the Cheyenne Autumn Band (Brooke Ashleigh/Contributed Image)
Music, art and more will be part of the Kulture Klub: Konservation Karnival at the Esplanade Arts Cener in San Jacinto on Saturday, April 5.
The eclectic lineup includes Corona Americana group Black Bear & the Cheyenne Autumn Band, Inland hip-hop group Slow Children Moving, Hemet psychedelic rockers Family of Light, Redlands indie rock outfit Maria Sweet and more.
The event is being put on by the music and arts collective Kaleido Kulture.
7 p.m. Saturday, April 5, Esplanade Arts Center, 2181 W. Esplanade Ave., San Jacinto, $10, all ages.
Visit www.kaleidokulture.com for more information.