Sam Marsey, of Redlands, shows off a shaker made of an old tin can, cardboard and dry beans in the Coachella Art Studios. (Vanessa Franko/Staff)
The Coachella Valley Art Scene is the creative force behind the festival’s Coachella Art Studios, a place where you can let your creativity fly at the fest and do some crafts.
Here’s how you can make some of your own at home:
At the Beats Oasis section of the studios, you can make a shaker out of mostly repurposed goods, such as tin cans and brightly colored plastic Easter eggs, and rock out with DJ Alf Alpha, a Coachella veteran, who was playing music in the art studios.
Fill them with dry rice or beans.
“Rice is going to give you more of a softer, subtle sound,” said Sam Marsey, of Redlands, who helped crafters.
He preferred the beans in the tin cans, to maximize the beats.
Fellow helper, Giselle Ruiz, of Downey, said she preferred the rice in the eggs, and suggested filling it just under halfway for maximum rhythm potential.
You can also make a guiro, castanets out of smashed bottlecaps and cardboard and a bamboo stick shaker.
Where: Camping Lot 10, open to the public.
When: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. everyday of Coachella.
Price: Free
View more photos of the Coachella Art Studios.