Victoria Leksoa, 19, Alex Archibeque, 21 and Kayla White, 19, all from Los Angeles, hang out near the Escape Velocity art installation by Poetic Kinetics during the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio on Sunday, April 13, 2014. If they had been playing our #PECoachella Scavenger Hunt, they could get points for this. (Rodrigo Pena/Freelance Photographer)
I’ve been thinking about something fun to commemorate the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival this weekend and I came up with the idea of a photo scavenger hunt. If you want to participate, tag your photos with #PECoachella on Twitter and Instagram. (Or I think you can even post them in the comments below.) We’ll come up with some kind of cool prize for the winner.
#PECoachella Photo Scavenger Hunt
-Picture of a celebrity (10 points)
-Selfie with a celebrity (20 points)
-Selfie where a celebrity photobombs you (50 points) Aaron Paul did this at weekend 1. It was awesome.
-Photo of a special guest during a set. (5 points, but we may award more points for someone super famous)
-Holding 10 water bottles to recycle for a fresh one with the 10-for-1 program (5 points plus good karma)
-Picture while riding on the Ferris wheel (10 points)
-Photo where it looks like the giant astronaut (“Escape Velocity”) is about to get you (5 points) Read more about the big art installations.
-Photo of a local beer from the Craft Beer Barn (5 points and tell us what it is you’re drinking)
-Photo of a band shot from the front row (2 points)
-Selfie in the Sahara Tent (2 points)
-Make a craft at the Coachella Art Studios and get your picture taken with your creation (25 points). Want to know more about the Coachella Art Studios? Read our story from weekend 1.
-Photo of food from one of the new pop-up restaurant food vendors–there’s a whole list inside your booklet. (3 points and tell us what you’re eating and where it’s from) Want to know what food to try at Coachella? We wrote about that, too.
By participating in the scavenger hunt, we may use your photos in our coverage, so dont’ take a pic of anything you don’t want your parents to see.
I’ve covered the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival and the Stagecoach Country Music Festival since 2007. For more Coachella news, photos, interviews and information, visit the iGuide Coachella page.
If you want to follow me on social media, I’m at @vanessafranko on Twitter, the Audio File on Facebook and on Google+. All weekend long I’ll be back at the festival. Hit me up on twitter to say hi.