Author Archives: Nikie Johnson

COACHELLA 2013: Dust storm makes for worst drive home ever

So it was windy Sunday at Coachella. The air was full of grit, the sand blasted festival goers, and Anthony Kiedis from headliner Red Hot Chili Peppers told the crowd, “I feel like I’m going to go home and throw up a sandbox for my small child.”

But as rough as the last hour or so of the concert was, and as miserable as the walk from the grounds to the paking lot was, the drive home on Interstate 10 was worse. A lot worse.
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COACHELLA 2013: Review of the portapotties

Why were there urinal cakes in the women's portapotties at Coachella? It's a mystery, but at least they improved the smell. (Nikie Johnson/Staff photo)

Why were there urinal cakes in the women’s portapotties at Coachella? It’s a mystery, but at least they improved the smell. (Nikie Johnson/Staff photo)

No, there is not a band at Coachella called The Portapotties. This is actually a review of the places that the lovely people at Goldenvoice have set up for us to empty our bladders in.
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COACHELLA 2013: Wind kicking up serious dust

Haze fills the sky over Coachella at sunset on Sunday, April 14. (Nike Johnson/Staff photo)

Haze fills the sky over Coachella at sunset on Sunday, April 14. (Nike Johnson/Staff photo)

The winds are kicking up even more as the sun goes down on the last night of Coachella Weekend 1.

The sky is filled with dust, creating a hazy, eerie sunset. People are wrapping up in sweatshirts if they brought them and whatever else they can find if they didn’t. An increasing number are covering their faces with bandanas to keep from breathing in the gunk.
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COACHELLA 2013: Review of the Lumineers

The Lumineers perform at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival on Sunday, April 14, 2013. (Charlotte Bray/Freelance photographer)

The Lumineers like singalongs.

They tried to start off with some audience participation in the first song after their stage entrance, but the crowd wasn’t quite there yet, at least not in the area I was standing.
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COACHELLA 2013: Giant snail joins Smith Westerns audience

Helix Poeticus, Coachella's giant snail, crashes the party at the Outdoor Theater during the Smith Westerns show Sunday, April 14. (Nike Johnson/Staff photo)

Helix Poeticus, Coachella’s giant snail, crashes the party at the Outdoor Theater during the Smith Westerns show Sunday, April 14. (Nike Johnson/Staff photo)

The giant snail apparently is a Smith Westerns fan, too.

I had no idea the art installation, officially called Helix Poeticus, could move. But move it did, slowly, right into the audience gathered at the Outdoor Theater for the Sunday afternoon set.
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COACHELLA 2013: Chilling in the Fruttare Hangout

The Fruttare Hangout at Coachella. (Nikie Johnson/Staff photo)

The Fruttare Hangout at Coachella. (Nikie Johnson/Staff photo)

Just stopped in for a second at the Fruttare Hangout, a little tent near the festival’s main entrance. I was going to go yesterday, but the line to get in was too long. It was a cool little oasis, with air conditioning, cush places to sit and even a waterfall coming from the ceiling into a pool in the middle of the tent. You also can apparently have your picture taken in front of various LCD screens showing desert scenes. How very hipster.
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COACHELLA 2013: Windy weather to continue Sunday

The strong winds that kicked up late Saturday at Coachella are forecast to continue Sunday.

The National Weather Service has issued a wind advisory that will be in effect until 6 p.m. PDT Sunday in the Southern California deserts and mountains. A high wind warning is in effect from 6 p.m. until 9 a.m. Tuesday. The strongest winds are likely in the overnight hours.
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