Tag Archives: Coachella 2013

COACHELLA 2013: Father John Misty riffs on the cult of Coachella

Father John Misty poked fun at the hype surrounding the Coachella Festival in a tongue-in-cheek set that would have played as well at the Stagecoach Country Music Festival as it did at Coachella.

“You know what this reminds me of? An Applebee’s, neon lights and another Applebee’s every other block,” he said.
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COACHELLA 2013: Review of the portapotties

Why were there urinal cakes in the women's portapotties at Coachella? It's a mystery, but at least they improved the smell. (Nikie Johnson/Staff photo)

Why were there urinal cakes in the women’s portapotties at Coachella? It’s a mystery, but at least they improved the smell. (Nikie Johnson/Staff photo)

No, there is not a band at Coachella called The Portapotties. This is actually a review of the places that the lovely people at Goldenvoice have set up for us to empty our bladders in.
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